Thursday, July 2, 2015

Chef Remaja anjuran Maggi 2013

Assalamualaikum! Nampak tak nama tu? Tahu apa yg mmg buat aku bengang gila bila dapat majalah? Sebab dia tulis Pertandingan Memasak Megi. I was like "bapak diaaa" hahahahaha.

Ok move on im cool im cool i forgive you an anonymous school editor -_-

So, on 2013. Petaling Perdana sent our school to present the "zone"? Sebab on 2012 or 2011 Im not really sure, our school students made to the 3rd place on peringkat Selangor. So dia hantar lagi sekolah utk wakilkan lagi.

I watched the show on tv when I was twelve. Pernah tengok? Cause I've watched it and I was really hoping for it like "Ok when I get into the secondary school, I'll join this competition!" Cause my interested on cooking was really highhhhh.

One day, Puan Rohana (my lovely KH teacher) serius mmg baik gila suggested Dayana, Ismul and me to join the competition. I wasnt sure why cause I never told her about my interest on cooking but she suggested us and a teacher who was supposed to train us asked us like-

"Korang ni memang boleh masak ke?" She asked

"Boleh la kot." One of us (i think)

"Boleh masak apa?" She asked again

"Cikgu nak saya masak apa?" I answered kahkahkah

It was a spontaneous answer sisss. Sebab time tu mmg excited benor nak masuk pertandingan tu.

So we trained for around 4-5 days. And we even stayed a night in a homestay there sebab the teachers takut nanti tak sempat nak pergi sana awal pagi sebab jauh jugak dari Shah Alam. Tak ingat kat mana.

Mula-mula cikgu tu mintak Ismul yang masakkan ayam and I was supposed to make the vegetable dish and I was like taknakkkkk saya tak retiii nak masak masak sayurrr. Nak masak ayam hahahaha.  So tu la hasil 3 orang murid dan 2 orang cikgu yang kreatif hurhur. 

Masa kitorang tinggal dekat homestay tu. I said to dayana "kalau kita tak menang ni. Memang aku rasa aku akan rasa bersalah dekat cikgu-cikgu and the school too I think sbb they spent a lot of money for us and cikgu ni dah banyak dah habiskan masa diorang ajar kita walaupun sekejap."

I never aimed for anything. Tu je yang aku cakap. But hasilnyaaaaa.

2nd place pun bolehhhh. Alhamdulillah! Memang tak fikir lansung pasal menang kalah. Just masak je sebab entahlah I guess I was really into it so I just prepared the chicken grill, helped my friends and then done. Here we go!

So memang happy la. Pengacara dia cakap satu satu sekolah yang dapat saguhati and we were holding our hands really tightttttt. Takut sis takut. Pastu nama sekolah tak disebut and the teachers were really happyyyy. Waktu naik atas pentas, we were just expecting for 3rd place kahkah pastu dpt 2nd so mmg it was one of my best day sis. 

On 2014, PK Koku tanya nak masuk lagi ke and kitorang macam mestilah nak. Tapi takde rezeki sbb cikgu lain pulak yg conduct and they chose their own students so it would be easier. Nahhh takde rezeki nak buat mcm mana. At least, we got the chance and we made ittttt. 

Walaupun bengang dengan budak budak yg gelak sbb igt kitorang menang masak meggi. K. K. 

I wrote this post sebab nampak dayana posted this hahahaha. Ok byeeee

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